
How is Classic Math School different from other popular math enrichment and tutoring programs?

Unlike other programs, we emphasize comprehension through discussions of math concepts/problems, instead of drilling.  We encourage our students to think creatively and independently, communicate their thoughts clearly, and support their answers using valid arguments and logical reasoning. Our teaching method ignites excitement and math adoration in the classroom, which leads to a deep love of math.  Drilling exercises may produce impressive short term results, but in the long run, weakens students’ critical thinking skills, and invites a rote approach to math and problem solving overall.

What options are available for high-school students?

We offer Algebra II and Geometry classes, as well as a MathEnsurance program (homework help).  In the summer, in addition to Geometry and Algebra II crash courses, we have an SAT I prep course.

Algebra II and Geometry crash courses are intended for students planning to take the same courses in the next school year. They cover the most important topics, critical for next school year’s academic success.  Crash courses can be taken separately, but four week enrollment is required for either crash course.

My daughter is going to take a ‘mastery’ test to skip 7th grade math, would your ‘Transition Algebra’ class help?

Short answer: yes. We have our own vision of how math topics should be prioritized, sequenced, and adjusted for each level, which is usually not reflective of most school’s curricula.  While our courses are not designed to prepare students for any particular tests, many of them have successfully passed these types of tests. You can compare the concepts covered in ‘Transition Algebra’ to your school’s 7th grade math course description. You will probably see that there are some 7th grade topics that we don’t consider in our course. We can advise you privately on how to prepare for them, but the majority of topics are covered in much greater depth than required by the test. Our teaching style, high expertise in math, and friendly environment will encourage your daughter to reach her math potential and do her best on the test.

My student is in Kindergarten, is it too early to start?

We accept students starting in Kindergarten; it is never too early to start a child’s appreciation of math.  Actually, the earlier the better! The only prerequisites that we have for them are the child’s ability to read, comprehend simple written directions independently, and count up to 20.

My student doesn’t like math and doesn’t want to come. Can Classic Math School help?

We approach teaching math in a very different way compared to the traditional educational system.  We emphasize active learning, understanding concepts (instead of rote memorization); as a result, we’ve found that children overcome their math phobia and come to enjoy math.

My child is an “A” student. Do we need to enroll?

Yes, since our approach is based on understanding math concepts and methods, rather than on memorization and mindless repetition. Our courses increase the scope and depth of the math taught in schools, encourage critical thinking and nurture problem solving skills. Even if your child already excels in math, we believe that we can help them reach their full math potential.

Can we take only one semester a year? Can we start from Spring semester?

All of our courses are a year long and progressive, therefore we don’t recommend that students enroll in only one semester. However, for courses up to and including Key to Algebra, you can override this recommendation. Please note that your tuition per semester will be higher. For upper level courses (starting with Transition Algebra), you are required to apply for both semesters.

The schedule is not convenient for my child, can we change the day or time?

In cases where multiple classes of the same level are offered, you can choose the option that best fits your child’s schedule.  However, once you have chosen the class, we strongly recommend against occasionally switching to the “parallel” one, especially if it is taught by a different teacher. Firstly, all of our teachers have their own way of explaining, sequencing, and relating certain math concepts (yes, we have very creative teachers!) Secondly, even the same teacher will do things differently for different student groups (yes, we are proud of our flexibility: we adjust our curriculum to the students, not the other way around). That’s why, if you don’t want to risk your student getting frustrated/overwhelmed/bored, please stick to the class you are in.


How do I pay for classes?

We accept payment via check or Zelle transfer.

To pay by check, please make the payment out to Classic Math School, write your student name on the check,  and mail the check to 3350 Wolcott Common, Fremont CA, 94538.

For Zelle transfers  https://www.zellepay.com/ , please enter info@classicmath.org in the ‘My Recipients’ bar and follow the steps to complete the transfer.

The minimum enrollment period of one 15 week-semester.

Is there a sibling discount?

Yes, we are proud to be the only school offering a 20% sibling discount. We are doing this to promote math, and because we want the families to get more involved. We would love to see math become a common family dinner topic!

Do you offer a discount for paying for the whole school year at once?

Yes, we offer a substantial discount.

What is the referral discount and how do I request one?

We offer a 5% referral discount.  Please ask your referral to mention your name when signing up, and we will apply the discount to your next payment.  There is no limit to how many people you can refer!

What is your refund policy?

All refund  requests must be made in writing to the school administration within one week of  withdrawing (email is acceptable).

Refunds take up to three weeks to process after the School has received a written refund request.

All refunds will be issued by check only.

Enrichment Program

100% of paid tuition except $100 non-refundable deposit can be issued, if requested one week before the first session.

80% of paid tuition except $100 non-refundable deposit can be issued to NEW STUDENT ONLY, if requested in 24 hours after the first session.

All additional fees are non-refundable.

Summer Math Camp

Payments are only refundable before June 1st (except for the non-refundable deposit and application fee).

All other programs (“Math +” After-School Program”, “Math EnSurance Program”, Clinics)

Payments are not refundable.

Placement, Lessons, and Homework

What is the placement test for? Do we need to pay for it?

The name said it all, and it is free. The main purpose of the placement test is to obtain students’ ‘mathematical profile’ in order to find the best matching class for them. Since we don’t place students into classes following their grade/age levels, and our program offers quite a few levels of math classes, we need to have a placement test. The placement test is interactive: we verbally evaluate students’ actual math skills, number sense and fluency, reasoning skills, learning pace and style, math aptitude, as well as overall ‘mathematical maturity.’ The parents get the feedback, including the class recommendation, right away, and then through mutual discussion the final decision for student placement is made.

Why is my 6th grade son placed in the same class with a 4th grader?

We use our own interactive placement test to gauge your child’s math level, which does not always correspond to his current grade level. In order to most effectively teach him, we then place your son in the appropriate math class. Thus, the grade levels of the students sitting in the same class varies, while their math levels are pretty close.

How much homework can we expect?

We assign homework to reinforce the concepts covered in class.  The average time for weekly assignments varies greatly depending on the course level: from 40 minutes for Basic Math to 2-3 hours for Geometry.

Is homework required?

Yes, homework is an essential part of the learning process. However, unlike most schools, we do not require the homework to be completely done, as some of the problems can be really challenging. We expect students to be tenacious with every problem, and ask questions in the following class.

How much are the parents expected to be involved in homework preparation?

We would like your child to do the homework without your help. Usually, our homework is designed to resemble the classwork in many instances, where similar concepts/problems/methods have been meticulously explained/practiced/discussed. You can help by reminding your child to review the classwork before starting the homework, and motivating them to think deeper (maybe look to the problem at a different angle, draw a picture, work backwards, etc. – little hints are ok). If needed, we would like you to help pinpoint the specific difficulty of the problem, so the student can ask about it in the next class.

Please remember, that homework is one of the most essential tools in a teacher’s possession to monitor the student’s progress; when you help with the homework too much, the teacher gets the wrong message.

What textbooks will my child use in class?

We don’t stick to any particular textbook; we have our own curriculum that incorporates multiple sources of math enrichment topics and problems, plus we use materials created by our teachers. Students do not need to purchase or bring any textbook to class. All materials are provided by Classic Math School and become the student’s possession.

Who are the teachers? Are they certified?

All our teachers are true math professionals, having at least an M.S. in Mathematics. They have a variety of teaching and tech experience, but prefer a career of passing on their love of math

to their students. Since Classic Math School’s requirements for teachers’ math background are much higher than requirements for certification, there is no need to be certified to teach in our school.

How can we get the teacher’s feedback?

Our teachers are always available to give updates about your child’s progress. They have a very detailed picture of your student’s performance, math aptitude, learning style, etc., that you are welcome to obtain through personal conversation or by email/phone call. However, we don’t formally evaluate students, as they have enough tests at their regular schools. We don’t need to, since we make them answer questions in class, solve problems on the board, and we meticulously check their homework.

Can my child ask for help with her assignments from regular school?

Yes, depending on the scope of the assignment and it’s relevance to the current topic, it can be done in class or afterwards. We also have a Math EnSurance Program, designed to help students with their regular school assignments, that all enrichment students have free access to.

My son is in 6th grade. What grade level math he will be learning in Classic Math School?

We will place your son in the appropriate math class based on his performance during the placement test. It is in the mutual interest of students, parents, and teachers that all students are placed in the right level class, whether it is below or above his current grade/age level.

What is the class size?

The usual class size is 6 -10 students. The maximum is 12 students per class.

Summer Math Camp

Is the Summer Math Camp program different from the school-year round program?

Yes, our Summer Math Camp employs a unique math centered curriculum that incorporates Art (hands-on geometry), English (critical thinking), and Science. It perfectly exercises an integrated approach to teaching math and broadens students’ perspective of math applications. Additionally, Summer Math Camp is an excellent introduction to our school-year round program. Many students in our enrichment program started with our summer program!

Can we choose only Math lessons during the Summer?

Yes, but only for the crash courses. Due to time restrictions during the school year, we are only able to offer our unique math-centered curriculum in the summer. Our integrated approach to teaching math requires four subjects: Math, English (Critical Thinking), Art (Hands-on-Geometry), and Science. For example, unlike standard English classes, ours are devoted to Math Logic, Set Theory, and will highlight the importance of reading comprehension for word problem solving.

Can we apply for only one week of the Summer Camp?

Yes, but only if your student is placed in a level lower than “Bridge to Algebra.”  We recommend a four week enrollment for more tangible results (the higher the level, the harder it is to make each week’s curriculum independent). If you are set on doing one week, we recommend taking either the first week, or the last week (committed to Geometry, which is naturally independent from other math topics).